

All skill / levels


Lighthouse features two rippable right-handers suitable for surfers of all skill levels. One break is ideal for beginners, while the other, characterized by a boulder-sand bottom, provides a more thrilling experience for advanced riders. Notably, the waves at Lighthouse gain speed as the season progresses, as the sandbanks build up during the dry season swells.

  • All skill levels
  • Wave type: Righty

Whisky Point

Beginners/ levels

Whisky Point

Whisky Point is renowned for its gentle, mellow right-hand waves breaking off a boulder point. Normally, the waves range from chest-high to shoulder-high, ideal for beginners. Rare heavy storms may produce swells up to 4 meters, but this is uncommon during the main surf season in Arugam Bay.

  • Haven for beginners
  • Wave type: Righty

Pottuvil Point

All skill/ levels

Pottuvil Point

Visible from Whisky Point, Pottuvil Point is accessed via a different road. Known for its big, clean waves and unique setting, it’s popular with both locals and tourists. You might share the waves with fishermen coming and going.

  • All skill levels
  • Wave type: Righty

Baby Point

Beginners / level

Baby Point

Located next to Main Point, Baby Point is ideal for beginners. To reach it, head to the end of Arugam Bay’s main street, turn left at Tesco, and follow the road to the beach filled with fishing boats. Baby Point is where you’ll see small waves on your left. Main Point is further down the beach.

  • Beginners level
  • Wave type: Righty
  • Not good for advanced

Main Point

Advanced/ levels

Main Point

Main Point is a classic surf spot in Arugam Bay, famous for its long rides of 50-150 meters. Shaped by boulders and featuring a sand-reef ocean floor, it offers barrels on bigger days but can be affected by gusty winds.

  • Advanced levels
  • Not for beginners
  • Wave type: Righty

Elephant Rock

All skill/ levels

Elephant Rock

Elephant Rock, also known as Crocodile Rock, is a prominent point break accessible via a 20-minute walk with surfboards. This spot offers uncrowded right-hand crumblers, providing a more serene experience compared to other central Arugam Bay locations. However, be cautious of crocodiles in the area.

  • All skill levels
  • Wave type: Righty

Peanut Farm

All skill/ levels

Peanut Farm

Peanut Farm offers accessible waves on a scenic beach with sea vines and boulders. It’s popular with surf schools from May to August. The sandy beach break is ideal for beginners and located 7 kilometers south of town.Slightly tricky to reach

  • All skill levels
  • Wave type: Righty

Panama Point

Beginners & Intermediate/ levels

Panama Point

Panama Point, situated southeast of Arugam Bay, is accessed by continuing straight past Panama town. The road narrows as you pass a cemetery, where many young soldiers from the civil conflict are laid to rest. Follow the dirt road for 2 kilometers from the cemetery to reach the beach.

  • Good for beginners
  • Good for intermediate
  • Not good for advanced


Advanced & Intermediate/ levels


Located 23 kilometers from Arugam Bay, Okanda offers three point breaks for intermediate to advanced surfers. Waves can reach 8-10 feet and remain good even in windy conditions. Beware of strong rips near the headland.

  • Not good for beginners
  • Good for intermediate
  • Good for advanced
  • Wave type: Righty